Radio Data Network’s range of flood warning, river monitoring and flood control systems warn, monitor and report pluvial (surface), fluvial (river), sewer, drain and groundwater flooding.

surface water visual & audible automated smart flood alarms

Delivering real-time fast warnings both locally and remotely of surface water flooding, with the ability to activate sirens, flood warning beacons and highway signs.

pluvial & fluvial automated flood warning poles

Self-contained single point flood alarm sensor for deployment singularly or in a cluster in areas susceptible to surface water and river flooding.

automated flood river level staff gauging & flood warning

Self-contained high reliability dual point automated flood alarms & warnings for deployment areas susceptible to surface water and river flooding.

wireless level sensor (BDT) for flood & river monitoring

RDN's very own sensor, the Bulk Dielectric Transducer (BDT) is a unique ultra-low powered sensor with over 10 years battery life, deployable in minutes.