Serial DataDecoder Card

Serial Protocol Translator Card

Serial Interface / Monitoring Card for RDNET1000 Outstations and Gateways.

Designed for use within the RDNNET1000 Gateways, Outstations of Modular Transmitters this plug in card is designed to monitor / intercept received data and to output the data as an ASCII string that can be monitored using Hyper Terminal, Putty, Realterm or our Sentinel FM windows based monitoring platform.

The card supports the full RDN1000 protocol including variable length messages of all message types. For ease of display data is terminated with  [CR], [GR] and [LF] characters and binary data is converted to HEX for ease of display and compatibility with displays and printers.

Features:Serial decoder for Gateway Receiver

  • RDNET1000 data decoding
  • 9600, 8,1,n ASCII
  • Binary data converted to HEX
  • Full 16-bit CRC validation
  • Variable length data message support
  • Messages appended with 32-bit address presented in HEX
  • Messages terminated with [CR], [GR] and [LF]
  • 9-pin Female D-type connector wired DCE
  • 2-Part plug in ASCII RS232 Level output option
  • RX data (blue) status LED

System Compatibility

  • RDNET1000 Gateway Receiver
  • RDNET1000 Outstation
  • Modular Receiver

Note: This module will decode the data but will not measure the RSSI of the signal received. Messages therefore appended with S0 S-level.

Sales & orders

Please call your local distributor for prices on products, systems and solutions. Spares and accessories may also be purchased through our online web portal