Wide Area Sewer Level Monitoring & Alarms

CSO / SSO Spill & Event Duration Monitoring

Smart Sensor – FDT Flow Detection Transducer for CSO & SSO Event Duration Monitoring

Wide Area Covert Faux Booster Repeaters

Blocked Sewer Alarms & Sewer Surcharge Monitoring

Sewer Alarm – External Solar Beacon Unit

Flow Detection Transducer (FDT) Sensor

Sludge Blanket Monitoring

The deployments of our “binary” Smart Sensors and Radio Telemetry systems in the Wastewater Industry are extensive and are spread across 6-Utilities. Our Smart Sensors include the award winning BDT level sensor, the FDT CSO flow transducer, a flap valve position sensors and a wireless float switch all linked back via our Gateway Receivers to the Utilities existing telemetry outstations and SCADA.

The deployments are typically configured to deliver 5-minute data from both the wastewater networks such as sewers and CSO overflows and also are regularly deployed within sewage works and pumping stations to report local activity such as high wet well levels, the operation of a storm bypass channel or the level in storm tanks.

The BDT “Binary” Smart Sensor – Triggers a Revolution in Sewer Monitoring :

Back in 2010 we deployed our first generation BDT level transducer. An instant success the BDT, was demonstrated to be a simple to use and cost effective alternative to ultrasonic transducers for detecting blockages and surcharges within the sewer networks. In 2012 the BDT and its associated radio telemetry based communication network won the prestigious SBWWI innovation award. Since then the BDT MKII has been launched with improved immunity to FOG. There is also a direct communicating version of the BDT MKII which is capable of communication over distances of up to 250m from below a manhole and over 2.5km when above.

Flow Detection Transducer – Simplifies the task of CSO Event Duration Monitoring:

Until the launch of the our FDT Flow Detection Transducer back in 2012, the entire CSO industry was based upon flow determination derived from level over a weir. Understandably, due to the inaccuracy and uncertainty of ultrasonic transducers many events were either being misses or false reported. Further, many CSO overflows were considered too technically challenging for the installation of ultrasonic technology and hence remained un-monitored.

The FDT turned this situation on its head as for the first time there was a sensor that could actually detect flow rather than guess that there was flow based upon level. The FDT can now be found installed at CSO overflows and in storm bypass channels across 6-Utilities and has earned a reputation as being tough as resilient with a MTBF measured in years rather than hours.

Uniquely the FDT is adaptive and future proof and already complies fully with the demands from the UK’s Environment Agency for 2-minute sampling at critical CSO locations.  Since its deployment in 2012 the FDT has won a string of awards including the Institute of Water Eastern Region Innovation Award in 2013.

Storm Tank  Level Monitoring:

Ultrasonic and Radar transducers may pose challenges from within the confines of a sewer network but above ground they are highly suitable for measuring a wide range of parameters including levels in storm tanks. In this type of application we have telemetry transmitters that can be either operated form mains or batteries that can read the level of any third party or legacy 4-20mA based loop powered ultrasonic or radar and convey the level as a digitised signal to a remote location where it is replicated as a conventional 4-20mA loop into a local telemetry outstation.