Soil Stack Alarms for Industrial Buildings

City of London

What are Soil Stacks?

Soil stacks are vertical pipes in a building that carry wastewater away from the property.  Soil stacks carry wastewater and sewage from toilets, urinals, and bidets, and also vent air into the system to prevent pressure buildup.  

Soil stacks are typically vented through the roof to allow gasses from bodily waste to escape.  Soil stacks are allow solid waste to flow more easily due to the soil pipe size is typically 110 mm.

Common issues with Soil Stacks

A lack of soil stack ventilation can build up pressure in the stack and cause burst pipes.  

Whether by the clog (i.e. excessive use of toilet paper etc.) or the slow decay of time (i.e. wear and tear in older properties), soil stack networks will inevitably need some maintenance and monitoring measures in place to ultimately prevent soil stack pipe bursts and cause a major sewage incident on site. 

The Solution: Soil Stack Alarms

Monitoring & maintaining soil stack networks in large industrial buildings as a facilities management company & commercial property owner is a challenge and in reality, are only maintained / dealt with as a reactive result of burst pipes causing sewage incidents on site. 

Our Soil Stack Alarms monitor and alert on site & off site FM & property owners which stack/s are blocking up in order to reactively maintain & clean out blockages before it’s too late.  Build a smart real-time network of Soil Stack Alarms across your site with our plug & play reliable technology & communications. 

Technical Product Features

  • Deployed as a stan-alone system or interfaced via our Gateways to the building’s BMS (Building Management System)
  • Each system comprises of 3 parts: Stack Adapter, Stack Detector & Receiver
  • Operates by detecting high stack level inside a side branch which overcomes scaling issues
  • Operates up to 6-Bar with integrated gas pressure vent
  • Wireless range 50 to 150m in buildings
  • Installs into pipes of any 10cm and greater
  • Receiver options include our Sentinel Receiver and our Utility Gateway Receiver
  • Visual LED status, audible, GSM & Cloud Dashboard Monitoring  & communication options

Key Benefits

  • Plug & Play design for easy, low cost & non-evasive installation 
  • Up to 10 year’s battery life 
  • No cables or mains power required 
  • Install in a matter of minutes 
  • Integrates to existing on-site BMS systems 
  • No software or programming required
  • Wireless, low power technology 
  •  Designed for vertical & horizontal soil stacks 
  • Real-time soil stack monitoring & alerts 
  • Secure & reliable radio telemetry communications 
Sewer Stack Monitoring
Soil Stack Gateway