river gauging station with integrated stilling tube and staff gauge

River & Flood Gauging Stations with Integrated Stilling Tubes

River Flood Gauge with Integrated Stilling Tube with Real-Time Data Feeds

Unique to Radio Data Networks, this gauging station is perfect for use in applications in public areas or where flow is turbulent and a real-time upload of data is required, such as for the generation of flood warnings or the control of smart catchments.

River gauging station with integrated stilling tube and staff gauge boardGauging & Flood Station Housed within GRP Stilling Tube

Supplied complete with an integrated MCETRS certified Vegapulse C21 radar it features industry leading accuracy. Optionally in areas protected from frost and ice, a single or dual hydrostatic pressure transducer/s may alterantively be supplied.

river gauging station with integrated stilling tube and staff gauge

Gauging Station with optional Staff Gauge Board

For clarity, this station is not a data logger. Instead, it is a real-time telemetry system with the choice of cellular or Iridium satellite upload for this many “not-spots” around the globe. The gauge can also be supplied with local radio telemetry on RDN’s Ofcom licenced radio channel for the purpose of local control of assets such as tilting weirs.

Gauging Station Locking Pin

Gauging Station Locking Pin

There is a choice of sampling rate, from 5-minutes to hourly and upload rates to match. There are also bespoke options where the upload rate can accelerate when the level exceeds a preset threshold.


  • Metrology:                      Integrated Vegapulse C21 radar
  • Configuration                 BLE configuration of level and span
  • Control                             16-bit analogue, 4-20mA loop control
  • Stilling Tube                   GRP, 152mm ID
  • Length                             1.5 to 4m (Supplied to order)
  • Gauge Board                  100mm wide GRP screen printed metric
  • Battery Pack                   4 x Lithium D-Cells
  • Telemetry Options        Iridium LEO, Ofcom Licenced & Cellular

Physical security is assured through the use of stainless-steel brackets which can be clamped to handrails, bolted to culvert walls. A stainless-steel pin is also provided to lock into place the mechanism.


  • Smart Pump Inhibits:                    For detention lagoons & SuDS
  • Flood Warnings                              For Industry & Private Estates
  • Flow Analysis                                  To support / prove flood & flow models
  • Abstraction Inhibits                       To protect ecology

Sales & orders

Please call your local distributor for prices on products, systems and solutions. Spares and accessories may also be purchased through our online web portal