RDNET1000 Radio Telemetry Range
RDNET1000 Dual Input Digital Input Card
Relay Output Card / BDT / FDT Binary Logic Relay Card
Analogue Input Card – RDNET1000 Transmitter & Outstation
Optically Isolated Digital Input Card
Serial Protocol Translator Card
A range of simple to use, affordable and easy to deploy low power radio telemetry transmitters and receivers that are IoT+ compatible, configurable in the field without the need for software or programming using nothing more than a DIP switch and plug in cards.
When we designed these units back in 2010 we set out to make them simple and easy to use, however flexible and without compromising performance. Data transmission is one-way (simplex) and programmable at rates from every ten seconds to hourly. The units are housed in tough die cast enclosures that can be supplied pre-drilled with either cable gland or 20mm conduit entries. Transmitters may be either mains, battery or battery + solar powered. 230V ac is standard with the option of 110V to order.
Frequency Options:
- VHF 169.4xxMHz to EN300-220 narrow band FM
- VHF 173.250MHz to EN300-220 narrow band FM (UK MPT1328) at 10mW
- UHF 433-434MHz to EN300-220 Narrow band FM channel selected at manufacture 10mW
- UHF 458MHz 50 to 500mW Narrow Band FM channel selected at manufacture.
Transmitter Input Card Options:
- Analogue 0-2V
- Analogue 4-20mA
- Digital Status (2 input + tamper)
Receiver output Card Options:
- Analogue 0-2V + Comms
- Analogue 4-20mA = Comms
- Digital Status (2 relays + tamper)
- Pulse via reed relay
- BDT Sensor Status – High + Low + Comms
- FDT Sensor Status – Flow + No-Flow + Comms
- Float Switch Status – High + Low + Comms
- Call Point Status – Alarm + Standby + Comms
- Power Relay – On + OFF + Comms (5A 250V)
- IoT+ Gateway