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Founder & Managing Director Brian M Back is pleased to announce that Radio Data Networks has made it to this year’s finals of the SME Hertfordshire Business Awards under two categories.
The first position was awarded for our radical approach E-Commerce model where RDN challenges the traditional E-Commerce models of the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) with its rival the Critical Network of Things CNoT that offers similar but enhanced functions however critically without dependency on the every growingly scary internet and third party hosting in distant lands, thereby making CNoT highly suitable for mission critical applications.
The second award is for Radio Data Networks as a business, with focus on our unique technology and the development of our UK wide private data network which has been successfully deployed to cut pollution and to deliver warnings from mission critical assets both in the Utility, Environmental and Health Care sectors since 2010 and currently delivers over 200,000,000 messages per annum from Hull to the Isles of Scilly.
RDN Press Office 14/03/17